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The Green Lion India Spreading Cancer Awareness

February 20, 2019

The Green Lion

Before you’re diagnosed with cancer, you’re just a person, like everyone else. But once you’re diagnosed with the big C, it can feel like you’ve become your cancer. People now start conversations with you with a concerned tone, and “How ARE you?” As you begin chemo, and your hair starts to fall out and you begin to really look sick, it feels like there’s a newly drawn line between you and the “normal” world.

As hard as it is, try not to worry about how others react. You’ve got enough on your plate. Focus on you. There are those who take on the military language of “fight,” “weapons,” and “survivor.” There are those who reject that terminology and insist on being called “a person with cancer,” not a “survivor” or a “cancer patient.” Some want to participate in marches for their kind of cancer. Some get politicized and fight publicly for better research for their particular cancer. Others just withdraw into themselves and get very private. What makes the difference is not the absence of fear but the acknowledgement of it and your willingness to seek awareness and support.

On the occasion of World Cancer Day celebrated on the 4th of February, The Green Lion India organized a Cancer Awareness Program in Government Mahila Parishad School in Udaipur that was beyond the war on Cancer. Our aim was to bring into light the children’s idea on cancer that is “A healthy and healing focus for the mind-body includes breathing, meditation, exercise, movement, dancing, psychological transformation, imagery, music, art and more”. Creating a ray of hope at every nook and cranny and standing shoulder to shoulder with every cancer patient to support them in this devitalizing struggle is our prime agenda.

The event commenced solemnly with the worship of goddess Saraswati – the goddess for education. Post which, the girls performed themselves about cure for cancer using various colorful posters, slogans and speeches. This community event was attended by the staff members of the school along with the 46 school girls and The Green Lion India Team and our participants. The end of the event was marked by the formation of World Cancer Chain creating a memorable experience during the course of program, where the girls wearing red sweaters, stood together in a circle, each embracing a red balloon and signifying solidarity in fighting cancer together.

The Green Lion

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