Gatanga Village: Providing Affordable Quality Health Care
March 5, 2019
The Green Lion
Kenya Community Participation: By Sylvie Pereira, Portuguese Nurse.
If you feel like actively giving in the health area is something that you want to experience, Kirwara Hospital is a great option! You have so much to learn and to teach … the sharing of knowledge is constant!
Giving is a way of life, it’s in our way of being. There is nothing better than being able to help a community in the first place, helping to improve their day. How good it is to be useful and to be citizens of the world attentive to the needs of others!
I was in Kenya, more specifically in Gatanga Village, for two weeks in November, 2018. Kirwara Sub-District Hospital was the place I chose to provide health care as a nurse.
Our house is right next to the Hospital, so after a typical Kenyan breakfast, always prepared with a lot of love and care by our Martha, I would leave there in a loaded uniform and backpack, ready for another day’s work. Along the way there were many smiles, nods and wishes for a “good morning!”. So the children stayed so excited when I was passing on the street!
Arriving at the Hospital, it was time to greet the health professionals who were already there.
Now, I was really prepared to begin my daily journey at about 8am.