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Know Before You Go: Nepal

February 23, 2018

The Green Lion

Get in the Know, Before You Go : Nepal


Can you tell me a little bit about yourself and what you do?

Hello, I am Rajesh Shrestha, the Country Director of The Green Lion Nepal. I have a long experience in the related field, to give the visitors entering Nepal an unique experience of cultural exchange that has no predecessor. I was born in Tehrathum, Eastern Nepal and moved to Kathmandu to complete my Bachelor’s degree in Law and Master’s degree in Political Science.

I also worked as a Senior Language Instructor, Cross-cultural Informant, and Volunteer with Peace Corps Nepal, School for International Training (SIT), Gap Activities Project (GAP), Canadian Crossroads International (CCI), Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO), NDI, European Commission (EC), and with several other development projects and individuals. I cycled cross country US from San Francisco to Washington DC through Just Act.


What makes the country of Nepal so special and what do you love about living here? Where are you located?

Well, Nepal is a country of High Himalayan Mountains, artistic monuments, exotic wildlife, colorful festivals and diverse culture. Nepal is a home ofits unique topographical and climatic diversity. Nepal is often considered the biggest natural museum in the world. Occupying only 0.1% of the earth this ancient Hindu kingdom is home to:

2% of all flowering plants in the world

8% of the world’s population of birds

(more than 848 species)

4% of mammals on earth

11 of the world’s 14 families of butterflies

(more than 500 species)

600 indigenous plant families

319 species of exotic orchids

and of course…33 million gods!

We are located in the northern suburb Kathmandu called Tokha.

What kinds of programs do you have here? How do participants get to placements?

We do have a range of programs operated by the TGL Nepal. It all starts with the cultural immersion program, with adventure and sightseeing so that the participants can observe the lifestyle of the local people.

Participants get their placements based on their interests as well as their specialties and abilities. We try our best to give priority to the interests of the participants as we believe they should do what they love while adding value and helping the ones in need in Nepal.

Have there been many international participants in your programs? (solo or groups, male or female, older or younger, avg # of participants, etc) Do you enjoy working with them?

We have received participants from different parts of the world, including youths to senior participants who have been a part of The Green Lion Nepal alike.

Of course, it is wonderful to work with them. We share the cultures, customs, languages and get to know more about each other’s countries. We believe that our programs provide a great space for participants coming from various corners of the world to meet and make friendships while making memories lasting for a life time.

Once participants arrive, what can they expect? (arrival process)

There is a saying that, ‘if we have expectation, there is frustration’. However, we a participant arrives, we try to make them comfortable with the Nepali lifestyle and give them more information about the country and its way of life.

How do international participants manage language and culture barriers?

Well, in TGL Nepal, every staff member speaks and understands English which is the international language and in addition at the introduction week, we give a basic knowledge about the Nepali language in order for them to get to know the country better. And also we provide a session on the cross culture about the do’s and don’ts of the Nepali way of life. And throughout the program we help and support them with all the information and cautions so that they feel comfortable and happy in Nepal.

Can you share some important cultural customs, traditions, norms, or “need to knows” that would help prepare a new participant?

Every country has its own cultural values, customs, traditions and norms. In Nepal, there are certain customs and traditions especially in terms of clothing, toileting, eating, bathing of which we give all the knowledge to the participant during the first day of the orientation so that it would help them prepare for the new country.

How has international participation had an impact on your programs and the community?

They have been supporting and helping the community and its people who are in need of assistance via our various programs for kindergartens, schools, women empowerment, special education, as well as animal shelter. I am happy to say that with that little help some children were able to get proper education and shelter. Also some animals from our dog rehabilitation project have received proper homes around the world.

What has been the response from the NGO’s and community about interactions with international participants?

They are very happy to receive the participants in their institutions. They welcome them and support them during the participants’ stay. Some of the schools and centers find it a great assistance to provide an opportunity to interact with international participants so that they learn about a different country, culture and traditions while of course learning and conversing in English.

The Green Lion Nepal has been awarded and recognized by many public as well as non-governmental organizations in our efforts with the international participants to help the ones who are in need.

How can a participant tell if your programs are a good fit?

We do have evaluation forms and feedback sharing sessions and project evaluation sessions to get their ideas and feedback. They are free to inform us if they have any concerns about the program they are assigned with. Moreover, we provide sufficient information about all the programs before they sign up with us so they can choose as per their wish.

What can participants expect to experience in a typical day here?

Monday to Friday, you will start your day with breakfast at our center at 8.00 am after which you will be transferred to your project at 9.00 am. You will be engaged at the project till 12.00 noon and then you will be back for lunch at 12.30. After lunch, you will get a little free time to get ready for the evening session which will start at 2.00 pm and will continue at the project till 4.00 pm. After the day’s work at the project you will be back at the center to relax. At 7.30 you will have dinner at the center.

Apart from daily routine at their placement sites, the participants can explore the world heritage sites, local markets, temples, and ‘Kumari’ one of the living goddesses and the lifestyle of the local people.

Can you tell me about the food and accommodation for participants?

Participants stay at the TGL Nepal Accommodation and they get 3 meals for weekdays and 2 meals for weekends. We provide traditional Nepali food as well as western food. And we have options for everyone who is veg or non-veg. Participants love the food we provide and we make sure that everyone feels full and happy with every meal.

Accommodation in Kathmandu is the Green House, where the participants get all the facilities and shared rooms shall be given to participants including lockers. We have wifi in the common area and an open dining room facing the city and the mountains around.

What are the best places to visit or things to do on days off, while here? (weekend trips, local sightseeing, activities, food, etc)

“Thamel” is one of the touristic downtowns where the participants can go to buy souvenirs and gift items.There are various cultural as well as historical plus natural heritage sites, viewpoints, Durbar Square, exotic wildlife, white water rafting, bungee jumping, paragliding and many more.

What facilities are available nearby and what can a participant expect to spend on weekly expenses here?

We do have nearby grocery stores, banks, ATMs, local transportation and taxis. It takes only 10-15 minutes’ walk to reach nearest café and restaurant to enjoy a weekend meal or to reach the swimming pool, tennis court or the library.

How can participants best contribute to their programs and their own experience?

Every person has their own interests, views, ideas and opinions. But to be the best and contribute to their program they should have their plan and vision how they can make their stay meaningful and mutually beneficial and it would be a memory for their entire life.


The Green Lion

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