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Thailand Trip for Good

February 15, 2018

The Green Lion

“The experience from YE YIMU”

Believe it or not, our one-week trip in Thailand with Greenway is already over and it was INCREDIBLE! All the shanghai Students’ Post members came to help orphans in deed, with some of their day-to-day life. During this time we also had the opportunity to care for elephants at Elephant’s World.

This experience has provided me with knowledge, friendship and has even greatly impacted my personality and shyness. Although some of us found it awkward to teach, we managed to find the strength to do our own jobs. Some might say that we were able to find the light in dark situations.We realize that everyone is born to be different. God has made us that way. Through our achievements, fortune, personality and social interactions we are able to find success and friends. These are the processes that bring vitality to the world.

In my personal opinion, the situation for elephants was a little bit ugly for me. They are, in some cases, close to becoming extinct. Many have had lives that were really hard and few of them were without scars and marks on their bodies. We did learn that they have large brains, memories and ability to understand.

Elephants are among some the the most intelligent animals in nature and after working with them for three days I came to realize that they are similar to humans in a lot of ways. They have personality, family and even friendships. It is at this moment that I realize that there world is filled with love. I cherish the affection I was able to share between myself, as a human, and these wonderful animals.

I gained so much from this absolutely phenomenal trip with Greenway. Thanks for all of the amazing moments!

The Green Lion

We hope you enjoy reading about the experiences of other travelers. If you are travelling with us right now and have a great story to share, please reach out to us :)

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