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Sri Lanka, the most beautiful country we have visited

April 1, 2019

The Green Lion

Experience by Ella and Daniela, United Kingdom

We came to Sri Lanka intending to do 10 weeks of temple renovation, but after we arrived ended up doing 6 weeks of special needs, 2 weeks of temple renovation and hill country. That’s how flexible the time with the Green Lion is. You can change and try new things anytime you like.

The Community Project was by far the most meaningful to us both as the help is really needed and is also appreciated by both the workers and the girls. The day begins at 8.45 am with the meditation until 9, then we split into separate groups for classes and this really gives you a chance to get to know the girls and their personalities. Soon you find yourself sharing funny stories about them and missing them. Don’t feel apprehensive if you’ve got no experience with it, or if you’d be more confident with adults or with children, there are over 100 girls and I guarantee that at least one girl will change the way you look at the place: even when it’s the first thing. They will shout “good morning” at you and light up. We really recommend doing this project for at least one week.

We decided we needed a break from Kandy so we went to the Hill country project, which was refreshing. There’s a small village and a lake, but best of all, there are beautiful trees and air and the whole place has a peaceful atmosphere where you can relax immediately. In terms of the project, teaching monks was fun but also challenging as they are aged around 11-16, but they are really friendly young boys who want to learn and teach you things too. So don’t be intimidated by the fact that they are monks. What made this project even better for us was the coordinator Sura, She was super friendly and explained everything to us really well in really good English.

In terms of the Team, Hemantha goes out of his way to make everything as easy as possible for the participants, he is contactable 24/7, helps you organise weekend trips and with any issue you have.

Overall we can’t recommend joining Green Lion enough, especially in Sri Lanka; it has to be the most beautiful country we have visited so far. Definitely get down to the beach if you get a chance!

The Green Lion

We hope you enjoy reading about the experiences of other travelers. If you are travelling with us right now and have a great story to share, please reach out to us :)

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