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Three Baby Joeys

April 16, 2019

The Green Lion

Three little baby joeys are currently being cared by the team at our partner wildlife park in Newcastle. The baby Joeys are named as Philadelphia (Phillie for short), Elliot and Douglas. These joeys came under the direct care of the team because they were abandoned by their mothers who also live in the park. This, unfortunately, is a natural problem that does also happen regularly in the wild. The mother will leave the joey if she is not well enough to look after it or if she senses the joey is sick. This can also happen due to other environmental factors (in short, bad mothering is what we would call this in human society).

They are all raised by our hard working and dedicated keepers of the park. Sometimes, this involves caring for them well after their working hours are finished. Feeding sometimes takes place up to every 4 hours of the day. During the work days, the joeys will be hanging with other kangaroos and joeys. Our participants also help out with the feeding and enrichment of these cute little guys. These synthetic pouches are used to simulate a mother’s pouch.


As these joeys are being raised by humans, they will never be able to be released into the wild, as they will be too humanised. However, they will receive all the love and affection they’ll ever need in their safe and happy forever home at our wildlife park.

The Green Lion

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